Isopods? Rollie Pollies? Potato Bugs? Pill Bugs?
Zachary DrewOnly known to those who are close to me and those who dare bring up the topic, I am also a collector and breeder of isopods! More commonly known to many as "rollie pollies", "potato bugs", "pill bugs", and various other names, these are a type of terrestrial crustacean. That means they're not technically bugs, but more related to shrimp! I can spend a good long while talking about these little cuties that help clean up our planet from dead organic matter, but I won't bore you with those details right now. While they may be a pest to gardeners, they're a saint in my books, as they help keep terrariums and compost bins working full-time!
As stated I can talk about isopods for a good long while, but the primary point of this post is just to show off my collection thus far as I've had a few requests from those who know me.
So here is what I have so far:
(pictures are not mine, they are just here for reference)
Armadillidium maculatum
Armadillidium maculatum

"Dairy Cow"
Porcellio laevis
Porcellio laevis

"Orange Cream"
Porcellio pruinosus
("Oreo Crumble" x "Powder Orange" Hybrid)
"Oreo Crumble"
Porcellio pruinosus
"Panda King"
Cubaris sp.
Porcellio scaber
"B.C. Maple"
Oniscus asellus
Armadillidium scaber
"Pudding Clown"
Armadillidium kluggi
"Giant Yellow Spotted"
Armadillidium gestroi
Armadillidium nasatum
Armadillidium officinalis
(Yes they do "hiss")
"Wild Type/Local Lads"
Armadillidium vulgare
(The ones are commonly found in Utah but aren't native to the U.S.)
If you care to learn more about isopods, feel free to DM me. I do plan on eventually selling them when I have excess and larger colonies. They are also an optional add-on for my custom made terrariums.