Pixel Plant Post

Plant Swap/Sale Event in Billings, Montana!
Pixel Plant Co. is hosting a plant event in Billings, Montana and I am so excited. I am excited to go back where my fire got ignited for this business!
Plant Swap/Sale Event in Billings, Montana!
Pixel Plant Co. is hosting a plant event in Billings, Montana and I am so excited. I am excited to go back where my fire got ignited for this business!

Isopods? Rollie Pollies? Potato Bugs? Pill Bugs?
Zach Drew, the owner of Pixel Plant Co., has an interesting hobby collecting bugs...er actually crustaceans! See what kinds he has in this blog post!
Isopods? Rollie Pollies? Potato Bugs? Pill Bugs?
Zach Drew, the owner of Pixel Plant Co., has an interesting hobby collecting bugs...er actually crustaceans! See what kinds he has in this blog post!